In addition to engineered stone benchtops, our product can be applied to numerous applications around the home for a durable, low maintenance and all-round beautiful finish. This includes:
– Flooring: Due to the non-porous nature of our engineered stone, it’s also the ideal product choice for flooring in spaces like bathrooms and laundries where water-exposure is common.
– Splashbacks: Paired with matching benchtops, our engineered stone makes a stunning splashback for any kitchen space due to its easy maintenance and natural elegance. With simplicity that sells, there’s no need for additional decorative elements!
– Fireplaces: Fireplaces require a durable substance that isn’t likely to crack under the pressure of heat, and our engineered stone is perfect for this. Especially with varieties that incorporate copper tones that emanate a further sense of warmth by contrasting beautifully against the flames.
Choose Uniq Stone for your engineered stone benchtops and other surfaces to experience the difference of our premium range.